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Play Team Badge.png
School Council Badge.png
Ty Coch Badge.png
Ty Melyn Badge.png
Ty Gwrydd Badge.png

This Year's Pupil Leadership Teams:

  • School Council

  • School Senedd

  • School Ambassadors

  • Sport Ambassadors

  • Wellbeing & Mindfulness Team

  • Eco Council

  • Healthy School Team

  • House Captains (Year 2 & Year 6)

  • The Dell FM Presenter Team

  • Criw Cymraeg

  • Community Team

  • Digital Leaders

Pupil Teams and Responsibilities


In our school we believe in giving children as many opportunities as we can to take responsibilities, to lead and to act as role models to others across the school. Positions on these teams are highly sought after and badges are worn with pride.



Wellbeing Team Badge.png
Criw Cymraeg.png
Dell FM Badge.png
Community Team Badge.jpg
Healthy School Badge.png
Eco Team Badge.png
Digital Leaders.png
Senedd Member Badge.png
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