Education Support Grant
The Welsh Government has introduced a grant to assist families on low incomes with the purchase of:
School uniform including coats and shoes;
School sports kit including footwear;
Uniform for enrichment activities, including but not limited to, scouts; guides; cadets; martial arts; sports; performing arts or dance;
Equipment e.g. school bags and stationery;
Specialist equipment where new curriculum activities begin such as design and technology; and
Equipment for out of school hour trips such as outdoor learning e.g. waterproofs;
Laptops, IT equipment to support school work
As of September 2022, pupils who are eligible for Free School Meals and attend maintained schools are also entitled to a clothing grant if they are entering Reception or any other Year Group (excluding Year 12 and Year 13).
The funding is also available to the following pupils who are eligiblefor Free School Meals:
Pupils with no recourse to public funds entering the above school years
Pupils in special schools, special needs resource bases and pupil referral units who are entering the above school years
All ‘looked after children’ of compulsory school age. The Local Authority in which the ‘looked after child’ attends school is responsible for issuing the grant.
Since 2023/24, funding of £125 has been available for each eligible learner.
Payments will be issued based on automated eligibility checks and these checks will be carried out on a regular basis. The payment will normally be made in to your bank account, we may need to contact you to obtain this information.
If you become eligible during the financial year or have any further queries, please contact the Benefits Team on 01495 742037 or 742377.
How do I apply for the School Essentials Grant?
Please complete the online free school meals/uniform grant application form HERE