Transition - Joining The Dell & Moving On...
Joining (Reception)
Our pupils join our Reception classes aged four each September. We do not have nursery provision at The Dell and children join us from around nine local nurseries each year. Most pupils come to us from one of the following five settings:
Riverside Nursery, Chepstow (Town - Wales) - Regent House, Regent Way, 01291 645771
Riverside Nursery, Chepstow (Tutshill - England) - Powder House Farm, 01291 625783
Chepstow Playgroup - Chepstow Leisure Centre, Welsh St, Chepstow NP16 5LR, 01291 635745
Robins Nursery - St. Arvans - Wye Valley Road, St Arvans, Chepstow NP16 6DN, 01291 624893
Mathern Day Nursery - The Old School, Mathern, Chepstow NP16 6JH, 01291 622007
To apply for a place for your child at The Dell CLICK HERE
Joining (Any age)
If we have a space in your child's required year group, you can apply for them to join The Dell at any time from Reception to Year 6. Please note that we do not allow children to join other classes due to ability or lack of space in their correct year group. To apply for a place for your child at The Dell CLICK HERE
Leaving The Dell at the end of Year 6
Sometimes we see children leaving and moving to another school before the end of Year 6 when they move house or due to other family circumstances and we always share learning and any safeguarding information with their new school. When children leave The Dell at the end of Year 6, this is where they move on to:
Cluster Working
By law, schools in Wales are required to work together in geographical clusters with the secondary school that the majority of their pupils usually move on to. In the case of our school we work as part of Chepstow Cluster and see most of our Year 6 pupils move on to Chepstow School, a little further up Welsh Street.
The town of Chepstow straddles the England/Wales border and although some of our pupils come from or move on to schools in the English parts of the town, and while we always share learning, wellbeing and safeguarding information, we only have the capacity to work with, collaborate with and support schools and colleagues in the Welsh Chepstow Cluster. Of course we always support and accommodate children who might want to visit or find out about any non-cluster school but we only actively advertise and promote Chepstow School for pupils moving on from Year 6.
Find out more about Chepstow School by CLICKING HERE